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Black Friday Pre-Order - FAQUpdated 3 months ago

#1. What is the Black Friday Pre-Order?

The Black Friday Pre-Order is a chance for customers to order our Black Friday releases ahead of the sale, securing exclusive discounts on these titles as well as earlier shipping following the sale. 

#2. When does it start? 

The Black Friday Pre-Order Weekend will start Friday, November 1st at 12:01 PM EDT and run through Monday, November 4th at 11:59 PM EST. Most pre-order options will remain available to order until the site shuts down ahead of the sale, but at their full prices.

#3. What will be available?

We will have these pre-order options available: 

  1. Newly announced VSU
  2. Newly announced VSP
  3. Newly announced VS #1
  4. Newly announced VS #2
  5. Newly announced Distribpix + Something Weird
  6. Cannibal! The Musical from Degausser
  7. Everything Package (including all VS + VS sub label releases)
  8. Secret Package (2 unannounced VS titles)

And that is hardly half of the titles coming your way for Black Friday! The rest will be revealed once the sale goes live. 

#4. What is the benefit of pre-ordering these titles?

All pre-order options will be discounted during the pre-order weekend, and will return to their full prices on November 5th. Ordering ahead of time secures these discounted prices, as well as a guaranteed copy of some of the more popular titles! 

Having an active pre-order also enables order stacking immediately when the sale begins. As long as you have a Black Friday pre-order, you will automatically see your ‘Add to my existing order’ shipping option at checkout. 

Additionally, Pre-Order packages will be the first to ship after the sale, following our Subscriber packages. 

#5. I’m a Subscriber, what do I need to know? 

As a VS subscriber, you will automatically receive the secret releases and to-be revealed VS releases. The VSU, VSA, VSL, Cinématographe, and Degausser Video releases can be purchased with your 50% off SRP subscriber discount. Everything will be shipped out after the sale with your November package! 

#6. Will there be any other new releases on November 1st?

Yes! Our November Partner Label line-up will also be dropped on November 1st, at 12:01 PM EDT. These releases will be available to ship before the Black Friday sale, so be sure to place a separate order for them if you’d like them to ship earlier. Stacking them with Black Friday Pre-orders means they will ship out after the sale. 

#7. Think we missed something?

Please contact us with any questions. 

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